Waltz Steps & Videos

Waltz explanation

The music of the waltz is in slow triple time.
It is sometimes referred to as the "slow waltz" and is distinguished from the "Viennese waltz" which has a faster rhythm.

It is characterized by a lot of flowing rotations to the music, and is danced with smooth up and down movements.
The waltz danced by top professionals is a mind-blowing dance.
It is the most popular standard event.

Since it is a relatively slow dance, it is often the first one to be learned, but it is actually a very difficult discipline.
The "spin turn" is a particularly difficult step that kills beginners, so do your best.

The following combinations can be danced in succession.
Pattern I (beginning to middle): ①⇛③⇛⑤
Pattern II (beginner to intermediate): ②⇛④⇛⑥
(⑦⑧ are steps for competition and advanced classes)

BeginnerLevel Step&Movie


社交ダンス ワルツ⓪(初級) 初心者向けステップ

Difficulty level: 1
Basic Waltz Practice Steps
(8 bars)

1.Closed Change L to R1 2 3
2.Natural Turn(1/4turn)1 2 3 1 2 3
3.Closed Change R to L1 2 3
4.Reverse Turn(1/4turn)1 2 3 1 2 3


社交ダンス ワルツ①・② 初級ステップ (Waltz for Beginner)

Difficulty level:2

Waltz ① and Waltz ② are the same steps.
This leads to Waltz ③.

0. Preparation Step 3
1. Natural Spin Turn 1 2 3 1 2 3
2. Reverse Turn 4~6 1 2 3
3. Whisk 1 2 3
4. Chasses from P.P. 1 2& 3
5. Natural Spin Turn 1~3 1 2 3



社交ダンス ワルツ①・② 初級ステップ (Waltz for Beginner)

Difficulty level:2

Waltz ① and Waltz ② are the same steps.
This leads to Waltz ③.

0. Preparation Step 3
1. Natural Spin Turn 1 2 3 1 2 3
2. Reverse Turn 4~6 1 2 3
3. Whisk 1 2 3
4. Chasses from P.P. 1 2& 3
5. Natural Spin Turn 1~3 1 2 3

Beginner-Intermediate Level


社交ダンス ワルツ③ 初中級ステップ (Waltz for Pre-Intermediate)

Difficulty level:2

This leads to the Waltz ⑤.

0. Preparation Step 3
1. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
2. Back Whisk 1 2 3
3. Weave From PP 1 2 3 1 2 3
4. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
5. Back Lock 1 2& 3
6. Closed Impetus; TurnLess 1 2 3
7. Reverse Turn 4~6,1~6 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
8. Whisk 1 2 3


社交ダンス ワルツ④ 初中級ステップ (Waltz for Pre-Intermediate)

Difficulty level:2

This leads to Waltz ⑥.

0. Preparation Step 3
1. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
2. Closed Inpetus 1 2 3
3. Reverse Turn 4~6 1 2 3
4. Progressive Chasses to R 1 2& 3
5. Outside Change 1 2 3
6. Natural Spin Turn 1 2 3 1 2 3
7. Turning Lock 1& 2 3
8. Left Whisk 1 2 3
9. Contra Check 1 2 3

Intermediate Level


社交ダンス ワルツ⑤ 中級ステップ (Waltz Step for Intermediate)

Difficulty level:3

This leads to Waltz ⑦.

0. Continuation of ③、Whisk  
1. Chasses from P.P. 12&3
2. Natural Spin Turn; Over Turn 123 123
3. Turning Lock to R 1&2 3
4. Natural Weave from PP 1&2 3
5. Viennese Cross Turn 123 123
6. Throwaway Oversway 123 123


社交ダンス ワルツ⑥ 中級ステップ (Waltz Step for Intermediate)

Difficulty level:★★★☆☆

This leads to Waltz ⑧.

  Continuation of ④、Contra Check  
0. Preparation Step 3
1. Wing 1 2 3
2. Progressive Chasse to R 1 2&3
3. Outside Change 1 2 3
4. Oversway 1 2 3 1 2 3
5. Double Ronde & Slip Pivot 1 2 3
6. Open Telemark 1 2 3
7. Chasse From P.P 1 2&3
8. Natural Turn 1 2 3


Intermediate-Advanced Level

Waltz⑦ - ver2020

社交ダンス ワルツ⑦ver2020 中級ステップ (Waltz Step for Intermediate)

Difficulty level:★★★★☆

Old Waltz⑦ Male

old Waltz⑦ Female


1. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
2. Over Turn&Turning Lock 1 2 3 1&2 3
3. Running Weave 1&2 3
4. Viennese Cross Turn 1 2 3 1 2 3
5. Throwaway Oversway 1 2 3  1 2 3
6. Hover to P.P. 1 2 3
7. Promenade Lock 1 2&3
8. Right Lunge 1 2 3
9. Check & Slip Pivot 1 2 3
10. Chasse to R 1 2&3
11. Outside Change 1 2 3
12. Chasses from P.P. 1 2&3
13. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
14. Back Whisk 1 2 3
15. Weave from P.P. 1 2 3
16. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3
17. Running Spinturn 1&2 3
18. Side Cross 1&2 3
19. Fallaway Reverce & Slip Pivot 1 2&3
20. Contra Check 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
21. Chasses from P.P. 1 2&3
22. Natural Turn 1~3 1 2 3



ワルツ⑧前半 社交ダンス 中級ステップ (Waltz for Intermediate)

Difficulty level:4

0. Preparation Step 3
1. Running Spinturn 1&23
2. サイドロック 1&23
3. フォーラウェイリバース&スリップピボット 12&3
4. テレマーク&テレスピン 123 1&23
5. スローアウェイオーバースウェイ 123 123


Difficulty level:4

6. スウェイチェンジ&ドラッグ 123 123
7. セイムフット 1
8. エレベーション 23
9. ディベロッペ 1
10. セイムフットランジ 23
11. クローズドテレマーク 1&23
12. クイックオープンリバース 12&3
13. プログレッシブシャッセ 123

Previous video

The steps used in the past are saved on the following page.

※Waltz old video collection